This page is all about Year 3 Mathematics. You will find information about the end of year expectations and some useful videos and websites. This information will help you support your child at home. If you need an further support or information, please speak to the class teacher.
In Year 3, we use Master The Curriculum scheme of learning which is in line with the White Rose Maths scheme. At the top of this page, you can click on the document to find out about what will be taught over the year and what we intend to teach each term.
At Field Lane, students have access to two free resources, Times Table Rockstars and Numbots. It is essential that your child accesses these interactive resources on a regular basis at home. Numbots will help your child become fluent with addition and subtraction and Times Table Rockstars will help your child recall multiplication and division facts. Your child will need their username and password to access these fun games.
To use Numbots, please click here
To access Times Table Rockstars click here
The websites below have some useful information about Year 3 maths: (Choose an area of maths, select the objective, choose a game to play!) (A useful pdf document that has many Year 3 maths activities)
Year 3 Maths video. Watch some year 3 pupils teaching the different methods (please be patient while the video loads)