At Field Lane JIN School, we believe that the ability to write accurately and effectively is fundamental to our children’s success; enabling them to access the next stage of their education and beyond. Our Literacy curriculum ensures that our children are inspired to write and to do so clearly, accurately and coherently with confidence, enthusiasm and pride. We believe that a quality English curriculum should engender children’s love of reading, writing and discussion alongside developing their cultural capital, through first hand experiences. In Literacy lessons, children are taught how to adapt language and style for a range of contexts and purposes. They are taught to develop an understanding of how language can be used and a passion for its potential so that they may express themselves effectively and creatively. Our focus is on developing a wide and ambitious tier 2 and 3 vocabulary and a solid understanding of the grammar rules and terminology. Flexible, contextualised and cross curricular learning ensures that our children have many opportunities to practise writing on a daily basis in order to develop a sufficiently strong foundation of literacy skills. Quality texts that inspire writing, form the heart of our English curriculum, and are enhanced and supported by a range of real life and cross curricular experiences, drama, film, and speaking and listening opportunities.
Children are taught writing skills in daily English lessons, underpinned by the EYFS and National Curriculum. Regular opportunities to apply and practise these skills across a range of subjects and situations are utilised. Teachers plan sequences of work based upon a particular text, genre or aspect of writing using the Progression In Writing document for each year group. Typically, children are first introduced to the genre or text, explore examples and study the features and way in which it has been written by learning about composition, layout and language. A wide range of exciting strategies and resources are used to contextualise language and enthuse, motivate and inspire writing. Our diet of first hand experiences and enrichment opportunities, provide purposeful opportunities for discussion, reading and a context to write. These are further enhanced through cross curricular links and opportunities for independent writing in Smart Time and through project work.
Children produce writing and develop their skills in each part of the writing process: plan, draft, edit using green pens, re-draft and publish. These pieces vary in length and the writing focus is at the discretion of the teacher ensuring high quality writing not quantity of writing. Opportunities for modelled, guided, shared and independent writing are built into our sequences of work. Written practice is recorded in English exercise books and independent writing is kept in “big write” folders, which become the child’s writing journey.
In the Early Years, we lay the foundation for writing by fostering a love of storytelling and the development of fine motor skills. Children are introduced to phonics, letter formation, and early writing skills through playful, engaging activities. They are encouraged to write for a range of purposes, from labelling their creations to crafting simple stories. These experiences ensure a seamless transition into Year 1, where pupils build on their skills and begin to write with greater fluency and independence.
In EYFS and Y1/Y2 spelling is taught through Floppy’s phonics on a daily basis. This includes spelling patterns, rules and statutory word lists in line with EYFS and National Curriculum expectations.
Children are encouraged to consolidate their learning at home by completing activities in their Floppy’s folder and using the online platform Extra Practice Zone. In Y2 and KS2 children are taught through explicit spelling sessions.
Most children are expected to be able to spell the statutory word lists for their specific year group.
Grammar and Punctuation
Grammar and punctuation are taught discretely within Literacy lessons, embedded within reading and writing activities and games. Here it is explored, modelled, practised and applied. In Y6 SPAG is taught through discrete sessions. Throughout school, children are taught the specific grammar terminology for their year group.
We use the Twinkl Handwriting Scheme from Year One to Year Six to help all children develop a confident, legible and personal handwriting style, starting with pre- cursive, through to continuous cursive and stylistics. In EYFS children are encouraged to mark make and form letters correctly in conjunction with the Floppy’s Phonics programme, Write dance, dough gym and Squiggle me Into a Writer. We recognise the importance of developing good handwriting and presentation skills and promote this through the rewarding of pen licences to children who demonstrate the required skills to meet expected outcomes within handwriting for their year group.
Effective differentiation is used to enable all pupils to make good and sustained progress in writing. Adaptations such as pencil grips, large print, colour overlays, writing wedges, and stabiliser bands are provided to meet children’s individual requirements.
Progress and Attainment in writing is measured consistently throughout the year. At the three assessment checkpoints, progress is tracked, using the Field Lane Year group writing expectations’, which have been taken from the National Curriculum. For those children who have yet to access the Year 1 statements, pre key stage statements/EY statements are used. Termly moderations take place, to quality assure judgements made. These are either in house, or as part of a cluster of local schools. At the End of Key Stage writing assessment points, teachers assess a selection of pieces of writing in Years 2 and Year 6 against the Teacher Assessment Frameworks, Pre TAFs and EM, using this to inform reported Teacher assessment judgements. Exemplification materials are used to support judgements made. These are either in house, or as part of a cluster of local schools.