At Field Lane, we believe that all pupils are entitled to enjoyable, competitive, inclusive and diverse PE and Sport experiences. We are committed to providing children with excellent sporting provision. We aim to develop pupils who will be physically active and can flourish in a range of different physical activities, as demonstrated by the award of the Gold School Games kitemark for the past few years.
The aims of our PE curriculum are to develop pupils who:
Our children at Field Lane participate in 2 PE lessons each week. Teachers use and adapt Complete PE Schemes of work which provide quality curriculum material in line with the EYFS framework and National Curriculum.
In addition to this, PE coaches from Ultimate Sport, Huddersfield Town Football Club and Batley Bulldogs Rugby Club provide lessons for Y1 to Y6 children.
At Field Lane, we believe that being active should not just be confined to PE lessons. All classes in Years 1-6 take part in a daily brain boost challenge, which are activities designed to keep our children moving and give them an active burst throughout the day. We enjoy teaching active lessons in other curriculum areas and like to use our outdoor areas. Children are encouraged to be active at lunchtimes and playtimes: we have a small field, multicourt, outdoor gym and climbing frames. All classes have access to a variety of playground equipment.
We encourage children to have good sporting attitudes in PE. We teach children to develop their values and transferable life skills in PE for example, having fairness and respect for others.
We teach inclusive PE lessons to all abilities, by differentiating lessons, skills and equipment. We aim for our children to have a positive experience in PE lessons and want all our pupils to enjoy being active. Children with SEND are invited to at least three interschool sports festivals per year. Our Nurture Group has a daily ‘Wake up, Shake up’ session to develop mobility.
Many children in Years 1- 6 take part in competitions and sports festivals over the academic year. These are run on a weekly basis by the North Kirklees School Sport Partnership into which we pay membership.
All children in Year 5 attend weekly swimming lessons.
We offer extra-curricular sports clubs and activities during lunch breaks and after school to increase children’s physical activity in partnership with Ultimate Sport and Batley Bulldogs. We aim to increase children’s enjoyment when being active and we offer a variety of experiences and sports.
Every year, our school takes part in a Sport For All Week, to educate our children in healthy lifestyles and the importance of physical activity. Over the week, our school takes part in various sporting activities and hosts a huge sports day held at Batley Bulldogs Stadium.
Teachers set high expectations for all pupils. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including:
More able pupils
Pupils with low prior attainment
Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds
Pupils with SEN
Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)
Teachers will plan lessons so that pupils with SEN and/or disabilities can study every subject, wherever possible, and ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.
Teachers use inclusive high quality teaching to meet the needs of all pupils through an adapted curriculum
Teachers will also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English.
Further information can be found in our statement of equality information and objectives, and in our SEN policy and information report.
Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and carefully planned provision are designed to support children’s physical development. We offer daily playful opportunities for children to engage in physical activity both in and outdoors. Our children have access to free flow play for sustained periods of time and are encouraged to use our large outdoor environment including our forest school, mud kitchen, play equipment and large sandpit. We access this environment all year round and in all weather conditions to support the development of gross and fine motor control, balance, coordination, confidence and problem solving skills. We explore meditation, yoga and share a range of healthy snacks to develop our understanding of the importance of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Assessments are based on teacher assessments and observations. Each class has a tracker to monitor children’s progress over the year. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their learning and take part in self and group reflections and feedback within lessons.
The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress in their performance, competition and social and mental development. Children will therefore be expected to leave Field Lane a well rounded individual physically, socially and mentally and will have reached at least their expected level in PE. We hope the children will understand the importance of physical activity, sport and PE and motivate children to become confident, resilient and disciplined, so that they become independent and take responsibility for their health and fitness throughout their life.